June 19
4mi, Shortcut Untimed. Felt great. Since I started running again I've been finishing this loop by crossing the pedestrian bridge over 94 and doing 5 pullups. So I did that today, too.
June 18
4mi, 27:50 (6:57/mi): Shortcut. Legs felt good, upper body did not, likely because of a large late lunch. Ran Pat's third mile in 5:39 mostly out of curiosity.
June 11 - 17
Ran 14mi in 4 runs (Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday). Shin pain ranges from zero to a dull ache that does not affect my stride. I need to prioritize stretching and core work and take the recovery slowly, but running started to feel normal by the end of the week. Congrats to all Grandma's and GB racers for running tough on a hot day. Slabbaj Shout Outs to Dan (Chapel, not Digger)(1:12:32, PR by 4+ minutes) and the Shermanimal (3:05:50, PR by ~25 minutes).
June 5 - 10
Ran for 15min on 6/7 to test the legs and so I could say I started training for TCM 4 months out. Felt out of shape, but no pain in the shin. Ran for just over 30min on both 6/9 and 6/10 with similar results.
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June 17: Jack Shit
June 18: Morning swim workout. Like, I've got some seriously wimpy arms. Which I guess is good, since I won't have to get up as early to get my "workout" in. Thus far I am unwilling to swim nearly as long as I am willing to run.
June 19: Again, more swimming, though for less time, as I slept in a bit too late. Oh well.
June 20: AM Yet more swimming. And note the three days without running. It's kind of disgusting. Just so you know, my legs were not sore following this race. They have gotten a little tight from the pool work, but not sore. I'm only taking a couple days off because I feel like it, not because my body needs it, so back off already. That and I need to get my shit together for this triathlon relay coming up in a month. Consider the pool to be my rebound relationship after my recent breakup with Grandma. Hot and dirty but it'll never last more than a month. Anyway, been getting in a few thousand yards before it's time to head to work. Got a chlorine rash and I stink of pool. None of the other early morning swimmers have consented to a quick game of sharks and minnows to help pass the time. I've been out of this freakin' sport for almost as long as I was in it. Heck, I started swimming competitively before the lifeguards at the pool were even born. You'd think by now I would have found a way to keep from talking myself into this sort of thing. Oh well. If our relay doesn't take this thing I'll be pissed.
I on the other hand had a fabulous swim workout today: 3200 yards, a distance PR, with 3x200 meters of "faster swimming." All of this was was done despite the atrocious pain of crystallizing cortisone in my knee.
I have but one person to thank for this success, the person who had the greatest impact on my swim career thus far: Kelly Carmichael.
I suppose it's about time:
Before grandma's: 3ish miles for a couple of days. I'm not sure when I last posted, and I'm not going back to look. There wasn't much going on, and it was slow.
Garry Bjorklund 1/2 Marathon
Up at 4:15am, with Alison to catch the bus. Already a little warm. It was cool enough to wear the pants on the bus, but not so cool I needed them. I wore them anyway. To give you something more interesting to read, here's the splits along with commentary. The splits are from my watch, which stopped 3 seconds fast, despite the pictures which show me stopping the watch after the finish line. I'm clueless.
Miles 1-4: 5:20, 5:33, 5:27, 5:36 (21:56)
Shooting for 5:30s, I was actually worried the first mile would be slow. After running into both Peder Arneson and Kelly Fulton on the starting line, I started to notice the fast people. Like the two Hanson's guys on the line ahead of me. Anyway, two guys immediately sprinted past everyone for the leading-the-race-glory, which I thanked them for when I passed them a half-mile later. I passed Kelly not much longer, and never saw him again. I settled in just in front of Digger, and there wasn't much passing of or by anyone after the first mile.
Mile 5-8: 5:36, 5:32, ,5:31, 5:34 (44:10)
During mile 5, Digger stopped sitting on me and took the lead of our small group of three. The other guy was named Steve, was with us the entire way and never led. He also covered EVERY move, so was in between Digger and myself just about all the time. I passed Digger about a mile later, but nothing but our positions changed much.
Mile 9-10: 5:30, 5:34 (55:16)
Lemon Drop. Digger is a pace pushing jackass. Actually, he just pushed up the hill. I let him and Steve go about ten meters ahead, and then reeled them in after a little while. Steve still hasn't led our group. A couple people have started to fall off a little, but we haven't caught anyone yet. There's no one close catching us either.
Mile 11-13.1: 5:37, 3:33, 5:32, :33 (1:12:32)
Around mile 11 Ed Whetham comes falling off the bus dragging what appeared to be a bathtub, complete with plumbing. I didn't see him again, and he didn't look comfortable. I think the heat got to him. For some reason Digger and Steve have been avoiding the "showers" of water along the course, but still pouring water over their heads. Digger pulled away after a little bit, and I couldn't close the gap down after that. Steve went with him, but I caught him again with about a half a mile to go. He exhorted me to go, and seemed very genuine about wanting me to kick. I also wanted me to kick, but was pretty unhappy with the fact that the course was not over yet. That last mile is, in fact, longer than I thought. Made certain letsrunners eat some crow.
PR by over 4 minutes, 10 mile PR en route, 4th fastest 8k ever, I think. I'm happy, even though I was hoping to be under 1:12. It's hard to be unhappy with a 4 minute PR.
Since, there's been some running, some of it at 6:40 pace, some of it at 6:50 pace. There's also been some work and some school, so things are hectic. It's 9:20, and I'm going for a run. Adios.
June 20: PM LSCC + By which I mean I ran over to Betsy's, met up with Gehring who informed me that Betsty was stuck at work. So the two of us went for a magical mystery tour of Near North, then went to the Polish deli for dinner. 55 mins of running since I jogged over. Which was plenty. The legs are fine for the most part but there is still some of that deep-down bruised feeling in the quads which makes me inclined to not run for a couple more days.
June 21: Swim. Starting to feel increasingly better. I'm going to have to start getting up earlier next week so that I can swim longer, because by then it will be possible. Also, need to get me some new trunks. These suckers are disintegrating at an alarming rate. Did a nice long warmup, then some drills. The main course today was 10 x 100 on the 1:30. Had an encouraging amount of recovery time on each one. I have yet to reach the studly proportions of a Jersey-style swim workout, but if I continue to focus on the teachings of Ms. Clarkson-Carmichael, perhaps I can achieve a higher and hipper level of poolness.
June 21: 7xmile descending. 60s rest. This was a new workout I came up with on the bike ride home. Anything to get me out and having fun running, right? Shot for 6:20 on the first, but did 6:00. Flopped down 6:20 for #2, while shooting for 6:10. Then 6 and 5:50. Turned in 5:30 while aiming for 5:40. Then 5:30 as planned. 5:20 seemed out of reach, but I held pace for about 600m and finished all knotted up in 5:40.
June 20: 8.5mi. 30 minutes jogging in my 'hood. Found a park with soccer goals, nets, and a discarded ball. Worked on my dribbling, faking out, trickery, and goal nailing for 30 minutes. Solo of course. This was a fantastic way to get out and move. No need for strides of sprint drills.
June 18: 5 easy.
June 17: 21+. The Rivanna Trail loops all of Charlottesville on singletrack. It is reportedly tough to follow. It was, and I spent some time lost and was out there for significantly longer than 21 should have taken. I'll have a better mark next time around.
June 16: "5k, in < 16 minutes." I don't trust the course for a second. But it was fun to win my VA debut.
Thursday evening: somewhere around 5.5 miles, hard to say because I turned around at a further point than the usual route, but was doing a workout, so the pace was all over the place. Did 6x2 minute pickups, I could have fit in a 7th in the loop before I hit the cooldown, but Dave's lessons die hard: never finish on an odd interval. And I was tired. I did a workout in the vain hope that running myself into the ground would get rid of my anger at men and crankiness toward the world. Alas, it didn't work. But the run felt good and I'm happy with the workout. And it was blissfully cool here today. Thank god.
Only another couple runs in Chicago before I blow this town! And only 3 more days of reading microfilm before 3 weeks of vacation where I will not do more to exercise my brain than read Dr. Seuss to my nieces and nephews.
June 22: Pool. Best workout yet. It's really quite irritating that over the course of each swim I've gotten significantly faster and more efficient. I'm not accustomed to that "Oh, I'm Dan Bucy and I get into shape by the time we hit the turn on Pig Farm" sort of feeling. I mean, it's nice, but it feels so slutty. Anyway, so I hopped in and started to do a short warmup, but it kept feeling better, so I just kept swimming. 35 mins later I made myself stop the "warmup" and check how much time I had left before I had to split for work. Got into a pretty good rhythm, was relaxing and getting pretty good rotation. After a while I started varying the pace occasionally, did some threshold-type longer pickups, some shorter speed bursts, and a little of this, and a little of that. After the break I did 4 x 50 build-up on the 1:00. So, pretty quick on the way down and increasing each stroke, turn, then all-out on the way back, but trying to accelerate with each stroke still. Mechanically I still have enough work to do that it takes at least a full length to reach top speed. Got about 30 secs rest after each one, which was nice. Then there was a cooldown.
Good work week. 5 days of swimming, one day running. I'm going to take the weekend off of swimming and start running again. Depending on how that goes I hope to find a way to get in a run and a swim each day and still build myself a house. We'll see how that goes. . .bedar.
June 22
8.5 (57:30) Franklin-Lake.
Felt surprisingly good. I've been feeling pretty run down the last couple days, probably at least in part because of the days with 13 hours of instruction. This, if you're unaware, is a lot of instruction for a day. Definitely the best I've felt since the 1/2 marathon, which is a good thing. There've been some ran-a-really-hard-race nagging sore spots, but they're starting to iron out. The hamstring, which I was most concerned about, has been excellent for a few days, and the calves are coming around as well. Still some deep soreness in the quads, but gradually improving. Looking forward to running with the fellahs tomorrow.
June 23
7 (49:10) Lake of the Isles.
Ran from Phil's with the fellahs, but lacking Phil. It was cool, as we got to hang out at Phil's new LP apt and have some brarkfast. Also a good run. It wasn't too hot.
June 24
13 (1:25:43) Franklin-Ford.
Today it was too hot. I slept in, which was probably part of the problem, but I needed the sleep. Originally planned to do more, but it didn't seem prudent given the heat. A couple miles in I decided I would do a couple miles uptempo to distract myself from the remaining distance. Thanks to Pat, I can tell you a couple miles on the WU were 6:45, and one on the CD was 6:54. I ran Pat's first three miles backwards, except I missed the three mile marker and started probably 30sec past it. So on the uptempo section I split "5:24," 5:54, 5:5something. I also missed the start/finish line again, but found it later after getting a drink. I glanced at my watch when I was past the start/finish line (though I didn't know it) and saw 5:57, so I would guess I was right around the same 5:54 mark for the last mile, too. Harder than it should have been, but I'm not used to this heat.
Thursday: 3 miles, in the morning. Felt pretty crappy. Quads were very unhappy with me, and my calves also have felt full of trash these post-Grandmas runs. Unlike the quads, the only time I've noticed them has been while running.
Saturday: 7, with the fellahs. Felt like ass, but that was because of the beer from the night before, not from the running.
Sunday: 8, along a bike path in Hopkins that became a nice, soft gravel path about a mile in. felt good enough to trail some bikers for about 9 minutes at a thresholdy pace to see where my legs were at. felt fine, but it was hot and so I eased off after a while.
week: 4 runs, 22 miles. plan is to do something similar next week, with a bit more mileage. legs are tired but feeling okay.
June 23: Around Isles with some hot fellah action, spotted little Eric Smtih walking through the park. It was nice. I skipped brarkfast and ran home in order to get my work on. It went well. Still had more work to do at the end of the day, but there was a lot that got done too.
June 24: A & W rev. 33:31. Oh yeah, so on the way home from the run yesterday, which turned into about 11 total, I kinda picked up the ol' pace. And it felt good. So today, I did the same thing, but for the whole run. I also had the misfortune of sleeping in, but it was cool, because it was only six miles, or somewhat less. Regardless, it felt good. This upcoming week it's back on the trainin' wagon, but still gonna keep the volume a bit on the low side on account of the swimming and the other shit I manage to fill my time with. But, I aspire to have some quality runs all up in there as well. Beginning to embark on the ol' 4 yr. plan. . .
June 18-24
54mi. The highlight of this week being a 5 1/2 hour, 29mi. run into the Pasayten Wilderness area. Out n' back to Cougar Lake. See the "training log" for pictures and a map of the trail even. 5000+ feet of elevation gained and lost enroute. BEAUTIFUL country! I'll need a lot more of these runs in the next 2 months however, since my hip flexors chanted "what the hell" anytime we danced downhill after about 4 hours.
Sorry to read about Daws Chris. A nice tribute on your part however.
Ciao fellah.
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