Sunday, November 16, 2008

Our Band Could Be Your Life

October 12 - 19

165min (~24mi), 5 runs. Took a week off after the race and started-up slowly. Did run that 5K at Carleton on 10/18. Used ferocious finishing speed to defeat Biz.

October 20 - 26

240min (~35mi), 6 runs. Got lost around Pike Island with Dan, towed around the river by Joel Wegner, and ran six times. So t'was a successful week.

October 27 - November 2

250min (~37mi), 6 runs. Had a nice run with Dan & Phil with plenty to discuss. Returned to Pike Island on a hot November Sunday.

November 3 - 9

270min (~39mi), 6 runs. Election-prep run with Gehring to get him ready for election judging. Then another nice run with Dan & Phil, but with much less to discuss.

November 10 - 16

290min (~41mi), 6 runs, 80min LR, 1xWkout. Good week, featuring the first long run since TC10mi as well as a Mascioli-Sherman jaunt and my first workout since TC10mi. That was 5x(5min on/5min off). Huzzah!


bizyah said...

Beautiful weather out here these days! Got in some nice running towards the end of the week, cruised from town back to my place on Saturday to the tune of an unbelievable sunset. Sunday was shorts & t-shirt weather for a 2 mile warmup, 2 mile hard up Cache Creek, 2 mile cooldown. 7:35; 5:45 for the miles--uphill, then downhill -- lots of mud, snow, rocks, etc, but there are mile markers for 4-5 miles up that road/trail. Would have liked to have run a bit quicker for that, but, well, I'm slow.

Morning run up Saddle Butte with fire in the belly from last night's chili. Hope to get out again today with a forecast of 50+ degrees and sun. Bedar.

bizyah said...

Took a break from work and headed up to run Spring Creek 'round 3pm when it was 54 degrees and sunny. Did 20 mins of easy uphill jogging to warmup, then 5 x 5 min hard uphill with a 3+ min jog/slide back to the start. Took about 4 min recovery on each one. Wicked steep section of the hill, lots of snow but the footing wasn't much worse than usual, given the ridiculous steepness. Was definitely ready to be done after 5. Marked my stopping point on each one, total spread from shortest to longest was probably 15 meters. In order from shortest to longest were rep #3, 1, 2, 5, 4. Definitely the toughest workout I've done in a while, but recovered real well and pushed through some good mental barriers, which was a nice change.

Overall I'm feeling like I'm reasonably fit distance-wise, and my leg speed is doing fairly well. I think for the next few months the big thing for me is going to be getting in 2-3 quality workouts in each week to get mind and body primed for racing again.

Jeff, I'll keep you posted on my club natty potential, but I've got no promises. If I go, I'll definitely register by Dec 5th when the fee goes up, but I need to make a few purchases between now and then which may preclude unnecessary travel. In other words, I'm pretty flaky and unreliable, but there's a tiny chance that I may end up in Spokane. Bedar.

Erik Brooks said...

Happy Thanksgiving all! Consistent, but unremarkable running for me of late. Still waiting for skiable snow on the valley floor, so the running will persist for at least another week or two.

Jreddy said...

2 good workouts last week. 5xmile at 5:15 with 90 seconds recovery. Very controlled (Tuesday). 7x400 at 64-65 (Thursday), starting on the 2s. Had planned on doing 9 400s, but I don't think I was recovered from Tuesday.

Ran the Midnight Mile at Occidental on Monday. There were about 60 people in one heat. Ran 4:31 for about 20th place. Slightly frustrating, because I didn't really make it hurt. Fun race, nevertheless.

Delayed onset muscle soreness today tells me that I need to do more sprint work before I run the mile again.

I was hoping to get my second run in before dark, but I've been feeling full for about 4 hours. I guess It'll be another headlamp if my relatives didn't think I was weird enough.

Happy Thanksgiving, to all!

bizyah said...

Whew, been a while since I've gotten my post on.

Happy belated Thanksgiving to everyone!

The Lundberg family trekked out to the Tetons and much fun was had by all. Training has been decent and consistent if not a bit frustrating. Did a 2 mile tempo on the track the other evening and managed a blazing 12:17 (6:07, 10). Got whipped at the Turkey Trot 5k but managed to run 18:36. The sole consolation being that at least it was a faster pace than the two mile on the track. Also managed to hold of the Wyo. state high school cc champ. 5th place though. At least mullet-guy won, he seems pretty sweet. Yes, real mullet.

Some good hiking and running, and some nordic skiing up at Targhee, as well as some snowshoeing. Officially pulling the plug on the running season. Ski race up at Targhee on Dec. 13th is gonna hurt, but at least in a different way. Excited to transition into a more winter-like training regimen with a wide variety of activities and lots and lots of snow. It might be 45 degrees today, but we'll get there. . . bedar

bizyah said...

Much winterly love out here lately. I've been able to get out 1-2 times a day to do something with various activities including running, snowshoeing, skiing, shoveling, swimming, and such. First ski race of the season was on Saturday in the middle of a blizzard. Thought I was pretty smart by choosing to ski classic given the 10 inches of fresh snow, thought skating would be pretty tough in those conditions. Learned on the starting line that the classic track had not been re-groomed and was non-existent. Oops. 10k, 57:20, with a big negative split despite my lower back locking up 1k into the race. I think all the slipping around in the deep snow was the direct cause of that incredible pain. "Held on" on win anyway. Scored a nordic season pass to Targhee for my efforts. In essence, I was miserable for less than an hour in order to save $85 bucks. Definitely worth it.

Anyway, the skiing has been real nice, and the snowshoeing has also been great -- some of it running, some walking, some with a pack, some uphill, some flat. The roads are real icy these days so I've kept the road running to a minimum -- my groin is in no need of high-speed stretching. The general plan here is to get out and have fun for an hour or two a day at low to moderate intensity for some general base building with a lot of variety in activity to try and build up some of my more neglected muscle groups. I'm hoping that by spring things'll be back towards normal runningwise. In the meantime, skiing Teton Canyon by moonlight is simply incredible!

chaypaw said...

Just wrapping up my third week of the winter training plan. Goal number 1 is "don't get hurt," and so far so good. Each week has been 6 days and just under 50 miles, with one workout.

Couple inches of fresh snow this morning after the freezing rain yesterday led to my first wipe out in over 2 years. I heard I shouldn't mess with a streak, but this one came up and bit me. On my knee. And it was made out of concrete. But it's all good- could even be considered "cool." Though with windchills pushing 30 down this afternoon, "cold" would be more accurate.


chaypaw said...

Less running this week- travel and snow led to a couple days off. But 38 miles, including one workout with Sky, where he explained to me the finer nuances of running fast. While I illustrated the corresponding nuances of not running fast.


bizyah said...

More good skiing and snowshoeing, and even some running. Highlights include a snowshoe through Teton Park, breaking trail up Granite Canyon. Also skiing classic up Old Pass Rd, and coming down in the dark in the middle of a blizzard. Yesterday saw a 2 hour run on snowy trails with Sophie -- that's one sleepy-ass dogg right now. Also ran up Saddle Butte with Lori & Sophie this morning through a helluvah lot of snow. Finally, got in a swim last week as well, and it was pretty good. I'm definitely getting stronger all around and feeling fitter and fitter all the time, which is nice.

Happy holidays to all!


p.s. Any fellahs in the cities between the 24th and 27th ought to send me a note -- I'm headed out the door for a lovely drive home right now, yay!

Erik Brooks said...

Happy Holidays from the PNW as well. Finally some real snow for the Methow in recent weeks and I put in my first 3+ hour ski for the local ski patrol on Sunday afternoon. Only my 3rd ski of the winter, so going back out again tomorrow (Monday) for my second patrol is really gonna' hurt.

Creeping up on 1400mi of running for the year. Might get there in the next day or two, but maybe not considering the forecast.

Peace and best wishes in the New Year to all. Chris, I'm throwing my name into the Wasatch hat again. We'll see what comes of that!

bizyah said...

Much skiing lately, skate as well as classic. Got in quite a few kilometers up at Theo Wirth with Mad Dogg when I was back in mpls. Some sporadic running as well. Most of my current soreness stems from a two-day bout between my driveway and my snowshovel. When I got back to town the drifting had gotten a bit out of hand with hard wind slabs about 4 feet deep covering much of my really huge driveway/parking area. Anyway, many hours later, everything is clear, just in time for the 50+ mph winds blowing in some fresh snow as I type.

Skied with Sophie during lunch today, which was nice for me. It was a little soft, but 40 degrees and sunny wasn't a bad thing. Felt bad about making the dog work so hard -- she was running flat-out to try and keep but I was gliding well enough that it just wasn't happening for her. Anyway, threw down for about 40 minutes then headed back to the office. A fairly efficient way to get in a helluvah workout. Arms are getting pretty worked though, ought to give them a rest and get some running and snowshoeing in during the next couple days.

Brooksie, hope you get in! Count me in for any pacing/crewing needs that you have!

Hools said...

so biz, what about that caldera?

bizyah said...

Dude, it's cool. Supervolcanoes are cool.

Strikes and gutters training-wise out here lately. Lotta weird weather has made it a bit of a struggle -- big snow dumps mixed with rain and warm spells has made consistency a rare commodity. Been keepin' at it, getting in some swimming, skiing, and even a reasonable amount of running. I also took my first lap up Mt. Glory the other morning with Wray and Parker. It was pretty sweet to be up hiking though a ton of fresh powder by headlamp long before sunrise. We were the first car in the lot so those two were trading off breaking trail as I struggled to keep them in sight. The skiing was really fun, though the conditions were a little intimidating. Luckily they're safe kids and even though the avy danger was high for the day they made good decisions and I followed/tumbled after them.

Oh, and the running has been good for wearing out the dog. Yep, scored a dogsitting and soon to be housesitting gig that will last somewhere between 6 months and a year. It's been a bit of an adjustment as the pooch is a bit high-energy, but lots and lots of exercise seems to mellow him out pretty well. Essentially I'm being forced to train in order to keep him manageable. Which is cool. Apparently we have something in common. Did I mention that he's fat and smells bad? Yep, we're like twins. All in all he's been a good addition to the family and we're getting along well. Bedar.

bizyah said...

Steady improvement.

Tiptoeing up behind the horse and preparing to hop back on. Goal: don't get kicked in the head.

Ski race on Saturday was as fun as a race that goes so poorly can be. Took it out easy and got stuck behind some slowasses, finally got around them and got tripped up and took a digger on the first major downhill. Finally got some daylight to work with and my low back flipped out on me and reduced the next 24k to taking baby steps. Oh well. Got out for 7 miles with the dogs afterwards -- 5 with Heavy D, 2 with Sophie.

Sunday, took the dogs up Snowking, smoked 'em on the way down. Sophie definitely prefers the groomers for sliding downhill on her back and snatching mouthfuls of snow as she slides. Heavy D is more a fan of the steep and deep stuff. Despite being completely exhausted, he refused to stay on the cat track and would bolt uphill through the powder as far as he could make it, then flip around and carve turns back down. They're a quirky pair of training partners to be sure.

Tonight I got in 8 miles -- the first 2 with Heavy D and the last six solo. I'm definitely feeling better about easing back into training these days. I really needed some downtime there to get recharged but I'm really excited to be getting back to more focused training now. Let the good times roll. Bedar.

bizyah said...

Good week. Got in some reasonable runs including a haul up Saddle Butte -- that looks to become a Wednesday morning staple as the winter rolls on here.

Also got in some good skate skiing. Thursday I got in a full loop at Alta, then Friday I went up Teton Canyon and did 10 x 2 min loops w/ 1 min recovery. Turns out I've got a lotta work to do on fitness as well as form. Saturday Lori and I went for an easy skate in Teton Park -- up to the north end of the Jenny Lake loop. The weather was awesome and there was nobody out there. Once we got out a ways there were no other ski tracks, just paw prints from a pair of wolves that had come by since the groomer was out. Pretty cool stuff. Since Friday it's been super sunny and warm -- we've been flirting pretty heavily with 40 degrees today. Did a 10k snowshoe race this morning up at 8,000 ft. It wasn't as hard as I was expecting, but the coordination of trying to run in those things is a bit beyond me. It was fun though, and I managed to hold off the middle school girl who spent a good portion of the race ahead of me. Passed her on the last uphill and was able to hang on through the downhills. It took a 3 minute negative split to pull it off. Can't say it was bad to be running through the snow in short-sleeves at the end of January though. Bedar.

bizyah said...

Jan 19: 15 miles, Kaufman/Alta Loop, 1:55. Nice and easy, quads were sore from the snowshoe race but felt good through about 10 miles then I started getting pretty sore, but generally just a nice easy run. Felt good to just get out and cruise for a while.

Jan 20: Easy 30ish minutes in the morning with Denver. Got some extra resistance when he decided to drag ass when I wanted to pick up the pace. Yeah, I was that guy running through the streets before dawn with a leash tied around my waist, dragging a 100+ pound dog and yelling at him to go faster. Sophie thought she got off easy with a walk around the Cowboy Village . . . until Lori took her skiing over lunch . . . fun times training with animals :)

chaypaw said...

yeah, biz. i did that when i lived at polk st.

Erik Brooks said...

Max is retired from running. Alas. He's 56 years young but those delicate paws of his can't take the summer heat. Stil skiing though. Seems to have boundless energy for rolling in the snow and sticking his nose into just about every track he can find.

A pedestrian start to the new year of running. Looking at about 30 miles for the year thus far, but fitting some in when I can!

bizyah said...

Jan 21: 1:10 on Ski Hill Rd -- 40 mins up, 30 mins down. Kept it pretty relaxed and didn't run particularly hard on the way down (quads and other parts of legs still pretty sore). Gave the dog the day off, but that'll be made up for tomorrow I expect.

Sophie's got a similar issue to Max, despite being much younger. She has a real tendency to fake injuries and refuse exercise all summer, but as soon as it gets cold and the snow flies she's like a whole new animal. Might be a husky thing.

bizyah said...

Good trainaj last week-- good consistent running and a couple of skis added in over the weekend. Feeling pretty good and ready to start building into some longer and more intense runs.

Also, moved into town over the course of last week with this being my first night here in the new place. That also means a new phone number, so for those of you that call me or think you might want to call me at some point, email me first and I'll tell you my new number. Don't worry though -- it's still a landline.

Got in an easy 6 this evening, am hoping to get in a bit more tomorrow.

bizyah said...

Tues AM: Easy 3 mile loop to the grocery store, with a pause to load the backpack with food.

Tues PM: Easy 10 with 6 strides. Looped through the subdivisions with Denver, then dropped him at home and went out to do the quicker stuff.

Wed AM: 6 miles, up Saddle Butte w/ Kris. Was late to the meeting spot so I hammered the first three switchbacks until I caught up, then we ran nice and steady up to the top. It's a solid 1200-1300 ft of climbing with no real let up. Looks to become my typical Wednesday morning hill session.

Wed PM: Easy 6 -- up through the subdivisions then back to the grocery store, home with a nice backpack o' grub. Pretty stoked to be within easy commute distance of work and food once again, though the view is less awesome. Oh well. Bedar.

Erik Brooks said...

Back in the running shoes! Taking another shot at the Wasatch 100 in September, so now is as good a time as any to start some training.

I put in about 21 miles of running and 7-8 hours of skiing last week. We'll have another month (maybe) of skiable snow, but my hours spent skiing will fall off dramatically after this coming weekend.


bizyah said...

Apologies for my prolonged absence.

Thursday, April 2: Jogged three steps in the grocery store parking lot to avoid being crushed by an SUV. Was stoked.

Friday, April 3: Ran 10 strides across Main Street for a similar reason. Rewarded self with Count Webb's homemade bbq served in the back of his video store. That's some good shit.

Also, got in around an hour total of biking on Friday. 30 mins in the morning on the trainer in the basement, followed by some wicked ab work. Then, rode to and from work after leaving my car at my house. After work, employed redneck walking methodology to wear out Denver. But, rather than driving I used my bike. Had him running flat out for around 20 minutes as I rode as fast as I could. He's still asleep as I type.

Not sure what today will bring on the running scene. As much fun as the last two days have been, I might need to rest things a bit. I also don't expect to find myself dealing with as much traffic. I'll be sure to write if I do though.
