Sunday, July 27, 2008

Don't say we saw angels/they'll send us straight to the church

July 14-20

260min (~36mi), 5 days, 80min LR. The main objective this week was to complete it, and to make sure an 80min LR happened. Successful on those fronts. Lifting fell off a bit on account of some end of week travel, but managed a temporarily sufficient replacement 55min plyometric circuit at the Pitchfork Music Festival on Saturday. Recovered by watching the White Sox lose at US Cellyoursoul the next day.

July 21-27

260min (~37mi), 5 days, 80min LR, 1xWorkout. Repeated plyometric circuits in Madison and Minneapolis on Monday and Tuesday left me struggling to recover for most of this week. Decided to go ahead with the workout I'd scheduled and attempted 5x(3min on/3min off) on Friday. Injury-wise, workout was fine. Won't mention the bloodshed. 80min on Sunday was decent.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

It's mostly pretty nice, yeah it's mostly pretty alright

Well, that was a depressing thread...Erik, very glad and relieved to hear that Colby is doing well. Jeff, I hope the same is true of your brother. Brothers, I've found, are best kept in a neighboring city so you can administer aid discretely and administer ridicule conspicuously. I do hope all prognoses stay positive.

July 7-13

250min (~35mi), 5 days, 70+min LR, 3xlifting. Some mostly pretty alright running this week. Friday's 30min was a hot & humid drag, but some longer, cooler morning runs on Saturday and Sunday restored some limited faith in my fitness. Saturday brought company in the form of Lifetime Fitness Triathlon bikers. Sunday brought company in the form of my Slab City Brother and two new Slab City brothers. It's one thing to start it with a positive jam, and another thing to carry on through; those sing-along songs were sort of our scriptures.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Bang Ba-Bang Ba-Bang Ba-Bang Diggy-Diggy

June 23-29

250min (~35mi), 5-days, 70min LR, 3xlifting. I'm overlapping with my last post a bit because a modest amount of structure has imposed itself on my training over the last couple of weeks. It seems my main problem with running over the past few weeks was all of the running involved. So the week is now five days instead of six, and on three of those days I'm using a pair of recently acquired arms to lift things. Situps also happen to me everyday. And running feels good, if not particularly fast.

June 30-July 6

250min (~35mi), 5-days, 70min LR, 3xlifting. Some terrific runs early in the week, and some wonderful social tennis and biking sprinkled throughout. Post-run weight has been hovering in the low 150s and has now taken a few encouraging trips south of the 150 mark. Sunday's long run was a horrid slog beginning at 4-all in the third set of the men's final, ending early in the fourth set. Felt remarkably strong for the first 45min; still one of the first times I've felt strong since last fall. Probably because this was my first shirtless run since last fall. Spent the final 25min fine-tuning my tribute to Khadevis Robinson finishing the OT 800m.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

New Challenge

Yikes. Not been running much. Felt sick for a little over a week after getting back from California. Beyond that I've been busy with the surprising joy of home-ownership. Nick will no doubt be gratified to hear that Jill and I are at pains to take good care of the place that we own. Today that meant spending a couple hours working on cleaning out our amazingly clogged gutters. Also, we've been making great strides with Margo (aka Big Margo, B.M., Large Marge, and - my current favorite - Big Tuna). Hell of a dog. We got pretty lucky there.
But all that is not exactly the point tonight. I'm writing because I have found out that Grant Hinderliter is getting married on the weekend of October 5th. That, of course, is the weekend of the TCM. As a result, I will not be running the marathon. But, I want to have a target out there this fall to get ready for. (Otherwise I'll just while my evenings away tending after my private property.) So... I'm thinking I could up the mileage to somewheres closer to 30 and maybe find a great section of trail or perhaps to towns conveniently placed about 26 - 30 miles away from one another. I don't know. Something that will feel far and good. And something around October. Thoughts? What would be a good, fun, long run. Extra criteria: I've already paid to enter Twin Cities. I'd prefer something unofficial for this replacement run.