Sunday, November 16, 2008

Our Band Could Be Your Life

October 12 - 19

165min (~24mi), 5 runs. Took a week off after the race and started-up slowly. Did run that 5K at Carleton on 10/18. Used ferocious finishing speed to defeat Biz.

October 20 - 26

240min (~35mi), 6 runs. Got lost around Pike Island with Dan, towed around the river by Joel Wegner, and ran six times. So t'was a successful week.

October 27 - November 2

250min (~37mi), 6 runs. Had a nice run with Dan & Phil with plenty to discuss. Returned to Pike Island on a hot November Sunday.

November 3 - 9

270min (~39mi), 6 runs. Election-prep run with Gehring to get him ready for election judging. Then another nice run with Dan & Phil, but with much less to discuss.

November 10 - 16

290min (~41mi), 6 runs, 80min LR, 1xWkout. Good week, featuring the first long run since TC10mi as well as a Mascioli-Sherman jaunt and my first workout since TC10mi. That was 5x(5min on/5min off). Huzzah!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

It Feels Like Years Since It's Been Here

November 4

Yesterday was November 4th, 2008. I woke up early, only five minutes after Jessica, and I turned on the radio. There's only about a month left with Dale and Jim Ed hosting The Morning Show. They greeted me with Here Comes the Sun and told me it was already 50 degrees in Minneapolis. On Monday it hit 74.

I savored The Morning Show and ended up running late. School had started, but the sun was bright and the sidewalks were still full when I left for work. At 2nd Moon, Cindy gave me my coffee along with a smile and a thank you. I sipped through the rest of the morning, almost too hot for coffee. By the time I met Jessica for lunch it was close to 65. Unraked leaves were bright yellow and thick. We kicked them, crunching through our neighborhood to Pizza Luce, where our waitress thanked us with our lunch.

Minnesota Novembers are not usually so warm. Most years it would have been about 45 degrees, so after work I hopped on my bike for a summery ride. I waved to my neighbors sitting on their porch and felt sweat bead under my corduroys. I crossed the river and sailed the windy afternoon.

By the time I got back and started my run it was 70 degrees. The last time it hit 70 two days in a row during Minnesota's November was 1999. It's only happened four times, though appropriately it happened twice in the 1970s. I loped out the door and thought about The Morning Show. Here Comes the Sun was recorded in 1969, like a warning for those 1970s Novembers as the Beatles said their goodbyes. I crossed the bridge into my old neighborhoods and felt that the wind had grown much stronger. I ran past past landmarks and past past apartments and felt in each the degrees of past past.

We had dinner plans, of course. Jessica and I drove to the Warehouse District to share sandwiches, salads and spirits. We ate, and we also shared TOEFL worksheets, Jon Stewart, cat naps and stronger spirits. It was a beautiful night. We drove home past a throng outside The Nomad World Pub, soaking in the November warmth. Shouts and honks echoed from the downtown streets.

At home we crawled into bed and closed our eyes. It was November 5th, 2008.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

From a bridge on Washington Avenue, the year of 1972

September 8 - 14

210min (~30mi), 5 runs. Felt like the allergies came roaring back in debilitating-enough fashion to render me runnless on Wednesday and Thursday. Some time in Grand Marais on the weekend helped matters.

September 15 - 21

260min (~38mi), 6 runs, 1 x workout. This week was chock full of high-points, but Monday's tempo was a base camp of sorts: 30min WU, 31+ min @ 6-min pace, 5min CD. I'd hoped to go 45min during the tempo portion but had to cut it short. Reached a nice ridgeline on Wednesday, circling Pike Island as well as logic with Phil. THEN, Paul Anderson got himself married and sent bunches of fellahs on some beautiful runs in New Hampshire. But all that pales next to Neko Case dedicating "Maybe Sparrow" to The Hold Steady on Thursday. Transcendent.

September 22 - 28

210min (~30mi), 5 runs, 1.1 x workout. Turned in my best hill workout in a long time on Tuesday. 7 on WRR in 2:58, :52, :55, :47, :46, :42, :38. Attempted another longer tempo run on Saturday, but only made it 5min before getting knocked over by a stitch. Kind of discouraging.

September 29 - October 5

185min (~27mi), 1 x workout, 1 x TC 10MI. Took it real easy this week, just a 15min tempo workout on Wednesday, some easy running and an ice bath. And it paid off. Managed a 59:49 in somewhat erratic fashion, and without any injury-related stomach or groin pain. Frankly, I hadn't really thought I'd be within two minutes of that time, so I'm feeling pretty excited about running again. Splits: 5:52, 6:15, 6:23, 5:42, 6:01, 6:08, 6:12, 5:54, 6:00, 5:18. That 5:18 must be my fastest mile in almost fifteen months. Slabbaj Shout Out to Slab City's finest, Ben, Ross and Paul, who turned in some great races in windy and rainy conditions. And a special Slabbaj Shout Out to the brodes on the bike for making sure I didn't quit on my race after mile 7 as Summit had me contemplating...

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Let this be my annual reminder...

September 1 - 7

230min (~33mi), 5 runs, 1 workout, 80min tempo-LR, 1xlifting. It took a little while to get my legs back under me this week. Passed up training for the State Fair on Monday, then passed it up again for seasonal allergies. Hill workout on Wednesday on the East River Road from Lake St. up to St. Thomas (~1000m). Wasn't very focused, had some trouble breathing and only managed three in 3:49, :50, :49. The stronger Claritin seems to clear up the breathing issue. Did the LR this morning at City of Lakes, 35min WU, 5mi @ tempo (6:08, :01, :53, :56, :52), 15min CD. Very encouraging, relatively smooth workout. Slabbaj Shout Outs to SCRC for another terrific season!

Thursday, September 04, 2008

'Cause Everybody Hates A Tourist

August 18-24

270min (~39mi), 5 runs, Hill Workout, 90min LR. Good running during a busy week, but not enough upper body work. Did 6xHill on the West River Road in 2:58, :53, :50, :48, :47, :46 and felt decent. Easily my best workout so far. Ran early with Jessica on Thursday, early with Hooley on Friday, and relatively early for 90min with Biz on Saturday. All of which, plus that wedding, left me ready to start my planned down week a day early.

August 25-31

120min (~16mi), 4 runs, 30min each. Spent the week in New Orleans, where it was, among other things, hot. I'd heard this about New Orleans, though, and planned the down week accordingly. Running, work, and getting generally lost took me through neighborhoods in various stages of recovery. Hotel guests were evacuated on Saturday, which cut the tourist portion of my trip down to an evening on Frenchmen Street, a morning run (down the St. Charles streetcar line), and a quick trip to Cafe du Monde. It felt like was alone in the city with the National Guard and a few other last-minute tourists on Friday and Saturday. New Orleans, justifiably, seemed tired.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Dontcha know that it's in-sane?

August 4-10

300min (~43mi), 90min LR, 1 Workout, 2xlifting. A great week of running despite all the schedules. Most of the added volume comes from having added another 30min run to the schedule to make a 6-day week. Followed-up a solid race last week with a 4x(5min on/off) on Wednesday. Mile splits, when available, were 6:21, 6:34, 6:29 and 6:17. Huge improvement over the workout attempted two weeks ago. Finished the week with 90min on the bike-and-surrounding trails with Dan in Cape Cod.

August 11-17

290min (~40mi), 90min LR, 1 Workout. Another excellent week despite the huge demands of vacationing. Got the easy days done through the Red Maple Swamp, Skiff Hill and Fort Hill, though I doubt that'll prove a very memorable detail in 2008 Fort Hill lore...Also managed to keep up with Dan for a 6x(3min on/2min off) workout on Wednesday and log a solo 90min on Friday. Optimistic. Slabbaj Shout-Out: To the SCRC studs who made sure we scored down in Edina and managed some solid races to boot. And, to anyone else who went out there and earned it this week.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Me and my friend saw a platypus

July 28 - August 3

<250min, 75min LR, 2xLifting, Hennepin-Lake 5K (17:37). I had been a little bummed about missing some minutes and missing some lifting, but the race on Sunday went a long way toward erasing any such concerns. Woke and warmed-up not feeling great, but managed a 5:52 opening mile with Phil. Then ran what I can only assume was a short 5:22 and a long 5:53 to finish. Very encouraged to have nearly a minute of improvement over two months with more running but only one workout. Great showing from SCRC as well! The long run was with Phil this week, up past Fort Snelling, where I'd never run before. The missing minutes came on Friday when a poor eating schedule and too much hot caught up to me 40min in to a 60min run.